September 19, 2009

GenoGrazia '09 !

Dear All,

This is to inform you with great pleasure that we(the students of MSc - Biotechnology of SIES College, Sion) have decided to have our very own festival on the 14th of September 2009 at SIES College, Sion. With the guidance and tutelage of our HOD - Ms. Tara Menon and our supporting teachers we hope this fest is a rocking one !

The fest is called GenoGrazia.
The tagline follows 'Mutate your style'.
Grazia in italian means 'grace'.

The essence of the festival is to do it in style with full grace.
Lets Rock It !

The website is up guys. It needs a lot of editing. Click the title to visit it.

Anyways for convenience the link:

Im not giving out the password and posting instructions for the reason that if everyone starts editing the website, its going to be a mess. So if you want to give in your suggestions(which I am very open to) please comment on this post.

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